Kemeterian PUPERA

Simpul Jaringan Kemeterian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Jumlah Data : 5699 item

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20220125 IKN MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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aset sda
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Batas kecamatan 2018
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Centroid IBM dan BSPS
Type : MapServer
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Cianjur TES1 MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Dapil Final
Type : MapServer
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Dapil Fraksi
Type : MapServer
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Data Spasial ATR BPN MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Data Spasial IKN MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Data Spasial Kemkominfo MIL1
Type : MapServer
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DI Kewenangan Pusat MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Editor IKN MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Gempa Cianjur MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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hotspot high risk
Type : MapServer
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Indonesia Envelope
Type : MapServer
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Infra SDA
Type : MapServer
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Infrastruktur PUPR
Type : MapServer
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Infrastruktur SDA MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Jalan Daerah
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : MapServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : MapServer
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Kawasan Andalan Darat
Type : MapServer
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Kawasan Andalan
Type : MapServer
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Kawasan Hutan IKN MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Kawasan Industri Batang MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Map1 MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Map4 MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Map Jalan MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Map Kalimantan Timur 2 MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Miskin Ekstrim Stunting KomV
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Orthofoto Intake Sepaku MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Peta MUT 28052024
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : MapServer
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publishweblayer 111 MIL1
Type : MapServer
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publishweblayer MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Rakorbangwil 2023 MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Rakowbangwil 2023 v1 MIL1
Type : FeatureServer
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Rakowbangwil 2023 v1 MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Rawan Air NTT
Type : MapServer
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Rekomendasi Komisi V
Type : MapServer
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Rencana Relokasi MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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RR Babakankaret MIL1
Type : MapServer
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RR Murnisari MIL1
Type : MapServer
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RR Sirnagalih MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Sanitasi OK
Type : MapServer
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Sasaran Stunting
Type : MapServer
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Scene22 WEL
Type : ImageServer
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Status Miskin
Type : MapServer
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Story Map IKN MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : MapServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : MapServer
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Surface CutSumbu tif3
Type : ImageServer
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Surface CutSumbu webmerc global
Type : ImageServer
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surface local UTM
Type : ImageServer
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tes map MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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vehicle IKN v8 20230225
Type : FeatureServer
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vehicle IKN v8 20230225
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gempa Bumi3
Type : FeatureServer
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Patahan Indonesia2
Type : MapServer
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Patahan Indonesia4
Type : MapServer
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Potensi Gempa
Type : MapServer
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Air Tanah
Type : FeatureServer
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Air Tanah
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Land Displacement1
Type : MapServer
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Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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003 IPAL
Type : FeatureServer
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003 IPLT
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
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003 SPAM
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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003 TPST
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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004 RENCANA PROGRAM 2021 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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005 PROGRAM 2015 SD 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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006 GAP
Type : FeatureServer
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01 admin patungraya 2
Type : FeatureServer
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01 Batas admin BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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01 Danau Waduk BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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01 Geologi BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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01 Ibukota Administrasi BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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01 KawasanCandi BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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01 Penggunaan tanah BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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01 Sungai BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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02 BandarUdara BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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02 FiberOptic Prambanan LN
Type : FeatureServer
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02 Gardu DIY PT
Type : FeatureServer
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02 HalteTransJogja Yogyakarta PT
Type : FeatureServer
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02 InstalasiAirBersih BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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02 Irigasi Prambanan LN
Type : FeatureServer
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02 JalanTolEksisting BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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02 JaringanAirMinum BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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02 JaringanListrik BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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02 JaringanPipaBBM Prambanan LN
Type : FeatureServer
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02 MataAir BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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02 Pelabuhan Jawa PT
Type : FeatureServer
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02 PembangkitListrik BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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02 Stasiun Prambanan PT
Type : FeatureServer
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02 StasiunKA BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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02 TourismRelevantRoad BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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03 AmplifikasiTanah Prambanan AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 BahayaCuacaEkstrem BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 BahayaWabah BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 CAT BYP AR shp
Type : FeatureServer
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03 Curah hujan BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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03 Hidrogeologi BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 Jenis tanah BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 KawasanRawanBencana BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 Kebencanaan BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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03 Lahan kritis BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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03 PenggunaanLahanTDA BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 RawanBanjir BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 RawanGempa BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 RawanGerakanTanah Prambanan AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 RawanGunungBerapi BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 RawanKekeringan BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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03 RawanLongsor BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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04 KantorPos BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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04 Kemiskinan BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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04 Kependudukan BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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04 Kesehatan BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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04 Pemakaman BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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04 Pendidikan BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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04 Peribadatan BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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04 Perkantoran Borobudur PT
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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05 MPDP 2018
Type : FeatureServer
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05 MPDP 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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05 PROGRAM 2018
Type : FeatureServer
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05 PROGRAM 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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05 RencanaRelKA BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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05 RencanaStasiunKA BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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05 RencanaTerminal BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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06 AnjunganCerdas BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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06 EcodistrictGajahWong DIY AR
Type : FeatureServer
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06 Parkir Borobudur AR
Type : FeatureServer
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06 Parkir Borobudur PT
Type : FeatureServer
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06 PenataanCandi Borobudur PT
Type : FeatureServer
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06 RencanaAksi BYP AR
Type : FeatureServer
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06 RencanaAksi BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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06 RencanaAksi BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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06 RencanaJalurWisata Prambanan LN
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2018 BYP gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2018BM Lombok gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2018BM Toba gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2018CK Lombok gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2018CK Toba gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2019 BYP gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2019 Toba gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2020 BYP gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2020BM Lombok gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2020BM Toba gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2020CK Lombok gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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08 Kontribusi2020CK Toba v3 gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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09 Balkondes Borobudur PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 BendaCagarBudaya BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 CagarBudaya Prambanan AR
Type : FeatureServer
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09 DayaTarikWisata BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 DesaWisata BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 DestinasiWisata BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 FasilitasGawatDarurat BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 Hotel BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 Restoran DIY PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 SekolahPariwisata BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 SitusCandi BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 TempatMenarik BYP PT
Type : FeatureServer
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09 Wardun DIY PT
Type : FeatureServer
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1 4 14 Oktober Part2
Type : MapServer
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1 4 Oktober Mappinga
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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20221111 Jalan AR
Type : FeatureServer
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20221211 Ortho Sirnagalih
Type : MapServer
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2022 Januari Gerakan Tanah
Type : FeatureServer
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22 Covid1
Type : FeatureServer
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24 Penataan Candi Dan situs
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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3B desain
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL10
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL11
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL12
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL13
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL14
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL15
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL16
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL17
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL18
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL19
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL1
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL20
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL21
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL22
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL23
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL24
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL25
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL26
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL27
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL28
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL29
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL2
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL31
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL32
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL33
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL34
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL35
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL3
Type : SceneServer
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3D Progres IKN WSL4
Type : SceneServer
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52 Koridor Utama Jalan Nas
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Adat Area Wilayah Adat
Type : FeatureServer
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Adat Area Wilayah Masyarakat Adat
Type : FeatureServer
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Adat Point Warisan Budaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Adat Point Wilayah Adat
Type : FeatureServer
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ADM Wilayah
Type : FeatureServer
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admcianjur 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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Admin Jabodetabek
Type : FeatureServer
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Admin Jakarta Kelurahan
Type : FeatureServer
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Admin KabKot Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Admin Kecamatan BTS AR
Type : FeatureServer
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Admin Kecamatan ManggaraiBarat AR
Type : FeatureServer
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Admin Kecamatan Wakatobi AR
Type : FeatureServer
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Admin Provinsi2020
Type : FeatureServer
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Admin Provinsi Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
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Administrasi Provinsi Indonesia
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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AdminProv Corona
Type : FeatureServer
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admkabkota gertanjuli
Type : FeatureServer
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admkabkotagertan shp
Type : FeatureServer
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admkecamatan Jabar 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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admprojected shp
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Type : FeatureServer
Not fund image thumbnail
Air Tanah BMKG
Type : FeatureServer
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Air Tanah Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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Air Tanah Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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Air Tanah Union
Type : FeatureServer
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Air Tanah
Type : FeatureServer
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Akses Masjid 01052024
Type : SceneServer
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Akses On Of Ramp Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Alat SDA
Type : FeatureServer
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all infrastruktur
Type : FeatureServer
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All Zona 12092023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Anggaran PUPR 15 22
Type : FeatureServer
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Anjungan Cerdas
Type : FeatureServer
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AnjunganCerdas Prambanan
Type : FeatureServer
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AOI Cultural Center Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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AOI Marine Park Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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API counter
Type : FeatureServer
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API counter
Type : MapServer
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Area Bahaya Sesar Cugenang
Type : FeatureServer
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area Bertelur ikan Ole
Type : FeatureServer
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Area Drainase Sanitasi Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Area Pengembangan IPAL LabuanBajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Area Plan RTA Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Area Rusak Berat
Type : FeatureServer
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Area SPAM Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Aset Budaya Festival Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Aset Danau 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Aset Ketersediaan Air 1
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bendung fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm jalan nasional iri
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpb fulltable v2
Type : VectorTileServer
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ast bpjt tol operasi v2
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt tol operasi v2
Type : VectorTileServer
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ast bpjt tol operasi v3
Type : VectorTileServer
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ast ipal fulltable v2
Type : VectorTileServer
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At Grade Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Bengkulu Taba Penanjung
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Cileunyi Sumedang Dawuan
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade JORR E
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade KLBM
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Medan Binjai Seksi 1A 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Palimanan Plumbon Kanci
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Sigli Banda Aceh Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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at grade testing
Type : FeatureServer
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at grade testing
Type : MapServer
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At Grade Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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At Grade Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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BAB 2 RPIW Kalimantan Timur WFL1
Type : FeatureServer
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Babel Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Bahaya Gempa Jabar
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bajo mei 23
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Bakter gdb
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Bali Kab
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Balikpapan Samarinda Centerline1
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bandar udara RTRWN 2016
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Bandara VVIP 11012024
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Bandara VVIP 18022024
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Bangunan Kantor Batang Semarang
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Bangunan Kantor Becakayu
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Bangunan Kantor Binjai Langsa
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Bangunan Kantor Bogor Ring Road
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Bangunan Kantor Ciawi Sukabumi
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Bangunan Kantor Cibitung Cilincing
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Bangunan Kantor Cikampek Palimanan
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Bangunan Kantor Cimanggis Cibitung
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Bangunan Kantor Depok Antasari
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Bangunan Kantor Gempol Pandaan
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Bangunan Kantor Gempol Pasuruan
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Bangunan Kantor HBR II Elevated
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Bangunan Kantor Indrapura Kisaran
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Bangunan Kantor Jakarta Cikampek
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Bangunan Kantor Jakarta Tangerang
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Bangunan Kantor Japek II Elevated
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Bangunan Kantor Japek II Selatan
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Bangunan Kantor JORR Non S
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Bangunan Kantor JORR W1
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Bangunan Kantor JORR W2S
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Bangunan Kantor Kanci Pejagan
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Bangunan Kantor Kertosono Kediri
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Bangunan Kantor KLBM
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Bangunan Kantor Kunciran Serpong
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Bangunan Kantor Makassar Seksi IV
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Bangunan Kantor Manado Bitung
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Bangunan Kantor Medan Binjai
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Bangunan Kantor Ngawi Kertosono
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Bangunan Kantor Pandaan Malang
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Bangunan Kantor Pejagan Pemalang
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Bangunan Kantor Pekanbaru Dumai
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Bangunan Kantor Pemalang Batang
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Bangunan Kantor Semarang Solo
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Bangunan Kantor Serpong Cinere
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Bangunan Kantor Soreang Pasirkoja
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Bangunan Kantor Surabaya Gempol
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Bangunan Kantor Surabaya Gresik
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Bangunan Kantor Surabaya Mojokerto
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Bangunan Kantor Tangerang Merak
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Bangunan Kantor TBPPKA
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Bangunan Kantor Ujung Pandang
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Bangunan Kantor Wiyoto Wiyono
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Bangunan Kantor Yogya Bawen
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bangunan kertajati
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Bangunan Marine Park Labuan Bajo
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bangunan pekanbaru kandis dumai
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bangunan sigli banda aceh
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Banjir 2020
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Banjir Jakarta 01012020
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Banten Kab
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Type : MapServer
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Batas Absen 2024
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Batas Admin Desa Kel Bali Nustra
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Batas Admin Lombok
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Batas Admin Toba
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Batas Admin
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Batas Administrasi Manggarai Barat
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batas kabkot diy 2
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Batas KabKot DIY
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batas kabkota
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Batas Negara PulauKalimantan
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Batas provinsi line
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Batas provinsi
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Batas Segmen TDA Yogyakarta
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Batas TMII
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Batas Wilayah Administrasi
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BatasKecamatan Cianjur1
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Batimetri Gembong
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Batimetri Tegal Besar
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bdn npu3
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bdn pr3 27
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bdn pu3
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Bencana Area Banjir
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Bencana Area Gempa
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Bencana Area Genangan Air Drainase
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Bencana Area Gunungapi
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Bencana Area Longsor
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Bencana Area Tsunami
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Bencana Banjir Wajo
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Bend Sepaku Anjungan 08102023
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Bend Sepaku Crest Dam 02012024
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Bend Sepaku Crest Dam 26112023
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Bend Sepaku Main Gate 08102023
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Bendung IKP
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Bendungan 2
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Bendungan Agustus
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Bendungan April
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Bendungan Gertan
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Bendungan IKP
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Bendungan Jawa Barat
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Bendungan Juli
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Bendungan Kekeringan8
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Bendungan Kekeringan
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Bendungan Mei
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Bendungan PU 1
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Bendungan QRcode
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Bengkulu Kab
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BENTHIC Kab wakatobi
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Besuk Sat Check Dam 9
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Besuk Sat Check Dam 1
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Besuk Sat Check Dam 2
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Besuk Sat Check Dam 3
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Besuk Sat Check Dam 5
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BIM Kemenko4
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Bina Marga CL ROW
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Bina Marga STA Points
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Bina Penataan Bangunan (BPB)
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BMN 31052023
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Box Culvert Balikpapan Samarinda
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Box Culvert Batang Semarang
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Box Culvert Bogor Ring Road
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Box Culvert Cengkareng Kunciran
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Box Culvert Cibitung Cilincing
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Box Culvert Cikopo Palimanan
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Box Culvert Cimanggis Cibitung
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Box Culvert Gempol Pandaan
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Box Culvert Gempol Pasuruan
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Box Culvert Indralaya Prabumulih
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Box Culvert Indrapura Kisaran
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Box Culvert Jakarta Cikampek
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Box Culvert Jakarta Tangerang
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Box Culvert Japek II Selatan
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Box Culvert JORR E
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Box Culvert JORR W2S
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Box Culvert Kertosono Kediri
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Box Culvert Kertosono Mojokerto
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Box Culvert KLBM
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Box Culvert Kunciran Serpong
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Box Culvert Makassar Seksi IV
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Box Culvert Manado Bitung
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Box Culvert Medan Binjai
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Box Culvert Ngawi Kertosono
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Box Culvert Padalarang Cileunyi
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Box Culvert Palembang Indralaya
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Box Culvert Pandaan Malang
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Box Culvert Paspro
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Box Culvert Pejagan Pemalang
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Box Culvert Pekanbaru Dumai
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Box Culvert Pemalang Batang
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Box Culvert Pettarani
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Box Culvert Pondok Aren Serpong
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Box Culvert Prambulih Muara Enim
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Box Culvert Probolinggo Banyuwangi
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Box Culvert Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Culvert Semarang Seksi A B C
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Box Culvert Semarang Solo
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Box Culvert Serpong Balaraja
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Box Culvert Solo Ngawi
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Box Culvert Solo NYIA
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Box Culvert Soreang Pasirkoja
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Box Culvert SS Waru Bandara Juanda
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Box Culvert Surabaya Gempol
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Box Culvert Surabaya Gresik
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Box Culvert Surabaya Mojokerto
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Box Culvert Tangerang Merak
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Box Culvert Ujung Pandang
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Box Culvert Ulujami Pondok Aren
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Box Culvert Yogyakarta Bawen
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Box Overpass Balikpapan Samarinda
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Box Overpass Bogor Ring Road
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Box Overpass Cikopo Palimanan
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Box Overpass Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Overpass Indralaya Muara Enim
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Box Overpass JORR E
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Box Overpass Manado Bitung
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Box Overpass Palembang Indralaya
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Box Overpass Pondok Aren Serpong
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Box Overpass Semarang Solo
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Box Overpass Serpong Balaraja
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Box Overpass Wiyoto Wiyono
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Box Pedestrian Batang Semarang
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Box Pedestrian Cikopo Palimanan
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Box Pedestrian Cinere Jagorawi
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Box Pedestrian Gempol Pasuruan
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Box Pedestrian Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Paspro
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Semarang Solo
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Box Pedestrian Seroja
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Box Pedestrian Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Solo Ngawi
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Box Pedestrian Solo NYIA
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Wiyoto Wiyono
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Pedestrian Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Portal Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Traffic Akses Kertajati
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Box Traffic Kunciran Serpong
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Box Traffic SS Kertajati
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Box Tunnel Palembang Indralaya
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Box Underpas Jakarta Tangerang
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Box Underpass Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Bogor Ring Road
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Box Underpass Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Gempol Pasuruan
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Box Underpass Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Indrapura Kisaran
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Box Underpass Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Japek II Selatan
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Box Underpass JORR W2S
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Box Underpass Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Kertosono Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass KLBM
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Box Underpass Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Makassar Seksi IV
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Box Underpass Manado Bitung
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Box Underpass Medan Binjai
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Box Underpass Medan Tanjung Morowa
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Pandaan Malang
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Box Underpass Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Semarang Seksi A B C
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Box Underpass Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Solo Ngawi
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Box Underpass Solo NYIA
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Box Underpass Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Box Underpass Tangerang Merak
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Box Underpass Ujung Pandang
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Box Underpass Wiyoto Wiyono
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Box Underpass Yogyakarta Bawen
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BSPS 2020
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bts admin kecamatan
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bts jan 23
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bts mei 23
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Buffer 5 Km
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byp mei 23
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cartrack API
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Centerline 6 Ruas Tol DKI
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Centerline 6 Tol Dalam JKT lainnya
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Centerline 6 Tol Dalam JKT Seksi A
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Centerline Akses Kertajati
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Centerline Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Balikpapan Samarinda
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Centerline Batang Semarang
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Centerline Becakayu
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Centerline Bekasi Cawang Kp Melayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Bengkulu Taba Penanjung
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Binjai Langsa
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Centerline Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Bunder Manyar
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Centerline Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 1
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Centerline Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Cikampek Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Cinere Jagorawi Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Ciranjang Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Cisumdawu Seksi 1 dan 2
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Centerline Cisumdawu Seksi 3
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Centerline Cisumdawu Seksi 6
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Centerline Depok Antasari Combined
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Centerline Depok Antasari Seksi 3
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Centerline Depok Antasari Seksi 4
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Centerline Depok Antasari
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Centerline Fungsional 2022
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Centerline Fungsional Nataru
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Centerline Gedebege Cilacap
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Centerline Gempol Pandaan
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Centerline Gempol Pasuruan
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Centerline Gilimanuk Mengwi
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Centerline HBR II Elevated
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Centerline Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
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Centerline Jakarta Cikampek
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Centerline Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Japek II Elevated
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Centerline Japek II Selatan
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Centerline JORR Elevated
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Centerline JORR Non S
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Centerline JORR W2 Utara
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Centerline Kamal Teluk Naga Rajeg
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Ketosono Kediri
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Centerline KLBM
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Centerline Krian Bunder
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Centerline Kunciran Serpong
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Centerline Lubuk Linggau Bengkulu
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Centerline Makassar New Port
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Centerline Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Makassar Seksi IV
Type : MapServer
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Centerline Manado Bitung Seksi 2B
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Manado Bitung
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Centerline Medan Binjai
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Centerline Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Padang Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Padang Sicincin
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Palimanan Plumbon Kanci
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Paspro Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Paspro
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Pekanbaru Kandis Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Pettaranii
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Pettaranii
Type : MapServer
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Centerline Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Prof Dr Ir Soedijatmo
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Relokasi Porong Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Rengat Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Salebanda Caringin
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Seamanan Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Semarang Demak Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Semarang Demak Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Serpong Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Solo Ngawii
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline SS Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Sukabumi Ciranjang
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Tebing Tinggi Indrapura
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Teluk Naga Batu Ceper
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Wiyoto Wiyono
Type : FeatureServer
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Centerline Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Cetacean Appearance Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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CH Admin Ags
Type : FeatureServer
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Check Dam TR03B 11012024
Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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CHS Lombok
Type : FeatureServer
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CHS Toba
Type : FeatureServer
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Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Cibitung Cilincing Centerline1
Type : FeatureServer
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Cibitung Cilincing Ramp Off Survei
Type : FeatureServer
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Cibitung Cilincing Ramp On Survei
Type : FeatureServer
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cimanggis cibitung survei
Type : FeatureServer
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CK Kerusakan Update
Type : FeatureServer
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CK Kerusakan
Type : FeatureServer
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CK Sekolah Survey
Type : FeatureServer
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cl per seksi
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterA Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterA DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterA Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterA Sulteng
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterA Sultra
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterA Sulut
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterA Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterA Sumut
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterB Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterB DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterB Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterB Sulteng
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterB Sultra
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterB Sulut
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterB Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterB Sumut
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterC Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterC DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterC Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterC Sulteng
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterC Sultra
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterC Sulut
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterC Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterC Sumut
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterD Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterD DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterD Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterD Sulteng
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterD Sultra
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterD Sulut
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterD Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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ClusterD Sumut
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling BTS Juli 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling BTS Maret 2024
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling BTS Mei 2024
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling BTS
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling BYP Juli 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling BYP Mei 2024
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Danau Toba
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Lombok 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Lombok Mei 2024
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Lombok
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Toba Juli 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Toba Maret 2024
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Toba Mei 2024
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Complaint Handling
Type : FeatureServer
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Curah Hujan 2013 Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Curah Hujan Jauari 2022
Type : FeatureServer
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Curah Hujan Juli 2021
Type : FeatureServer
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Curah Hujan Komodo Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Curah Kobo an Check DAM 2
Type : MapServer
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Curah Kobo an Check DAM 3
Type : MapServer
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Curah Kobo an Check DAM 5
Type : MapServer
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Curah Lekong Check Dam 1
Type : MapServer
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Curah Lekong Pelintas DAM
Type : MapServer
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Daerah Aliran Sungai PUPR 2020
Type : FeatureServer
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Daerah Aliran Sungai Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Daerah Irigasi Indonesia
Type : MapServer
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Daerah irigasi permukaan DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Daerah Irigasi September
Type : FeatureServer
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Daerah Kramat Laut Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Daerah Otonom Baru Papua WFL1
Type : FeatureServer
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Daerah Tertinggal 20202024
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Dampak Bencana 20210407
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Danau RBI 51s
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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DAS Sanggai 05112023 WGS84
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai 06092023 WGS84
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai 08012024
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai 18Nov
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai 26032023 WGS84
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai FED 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai FED 04102023 WGS84
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai status 12 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai status 28 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai status 30 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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DAS Sanggai
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Data AMDAL Status 25 Oktober 2022
Type : FeatureServer
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Data Bendungan Eksisting
Type : FeatureServer
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Data Bendungan Rencana
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Data Kerusakan
Type : FeatureServer
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Data Korban Bencana NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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database chs gis byp 1221
Type : FeatureServer
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database chs gis lombok 1221
Type : FeatureServer
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database chs gis toba 1221
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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database kantor covid 20220211
Type : FeatureServer
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database kantor covid view
Type : FeatureServer
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database kantor covid
Type : FeatureServer
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Database Vaksin Adm Prov
Type : FeatureServer
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Database Vaksin Unor
Type : FeatureServer
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Delineasi Administrasi
Type : FeatureServer
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delineasi kipp
Type : FeatureServer
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Deliniasi Taman Nasional Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Dermaga Logistik 06102023
Type : SceneServer
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Dermaga Logistik 16102023
Type : SceneServer
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Dermaga Logistik IKN 05032023
Type : SceneServer
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DermagaLogistik 24022023
Type : SceneServer
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Desa Wisata Borobudur
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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DI Baku Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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DI gertanapril
Type : FeatureServer
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DI KW Pusat Indonesia
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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DJBM Mandalika
Type : FeatureServer
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DJBM Tana Mori
Type : FeatureServer
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DJCK Mandalika
Type : FeatureServer
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DJCK Tana Mori
Type : FeatureServer
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DJSDA Mandalika
Type : FeatureServer
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DKI Jakarta 1
Type : FeatureServer
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DKI Jakarta Web Map tutik WFL1
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Drainase Lingkungan
Type : FeatureServer
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DTM Segmen 16
Type : MapServer
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DTM Segmen 17
Type : MapServer
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DTM Segmen 18
Type : MapServer
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DTM Segmen 7
Type : MapServer
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DTM Segmen 8
Type : MapServer
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DTM Surface
Type : MapServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Earthquake Hazard PGA NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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Ecodistrict GW
Type : FeatureServer
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Ekologi Area Biodiversitas
Type : FeatureServer
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Ekologi Area Kriteria Lingkungan
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Elevated 6 Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated HBR II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Japek II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
Type : FeatureServer
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Elevated Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Eleveted Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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embung 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung A 01112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 06022024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 08082023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 13122023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 14 06 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 15112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 16022023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 27042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A 27122023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A status 11 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung A status 26 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung AR
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Embung B 01112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B 03042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B 04102023 slpk
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B 06022024
Type : SceneServer
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EMBUNG B 15072023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B 16 Maret 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B 29112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B status 15 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B status 26 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung B status 30 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Embung C 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung C 18102023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung C 22022024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung C 24022023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung C 25042024
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Embung D 18102023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung D 25042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Embung E 03042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung E 18102023
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Embung F 01112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung F 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung F 15122023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung F 27112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung F 27122023
Type : SceneServer
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embung fix
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung G 03042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung G 04102023 slpk
Type : SceneServer
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Embung G 09022024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung G 15112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung G 18102023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Embung G status 24 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung G status 27 April 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung H 27042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung IKP
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung J 17042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung K 03042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung K 25042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung M 04102023 slpk
Type : SceneServer
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Embung M 08082023
Type : SceneServer
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EMBUNG M 10072023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung M 13122023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung M 18102023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung M 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung M status 10 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung M status 26 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung M status 30 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung Mentawir (1)
Type : SceneServer
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Embung N 09022024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung N 15112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung N 25042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung NTT 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung O 01112023
Type : SceneServer
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Embung O 24042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung P 24022024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung P 24042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung Polygon
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung S 24042024
Type : SceneServer
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Embung Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung Union
Type : FeatureServer
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Embung VVIP 06032024
Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Emergency Access Japek II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Emergency Exit Japek II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Emergency Parking HBR II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Empat Pintu Gerbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Episemtrum Gempa
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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FiberOptik Internet broadband desa
Type : FeatureServer
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FiberOptik Internet broadband
Type : FeatureServer
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Fisik Area Likuefaksi 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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foto fleet
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Bengkulu Taba Penanjung
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Cileunyi Sumedang Dawuan
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Cinere Jagorawi Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Paspro
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Sigli Banda Aceh Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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Frontage Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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FSVA 2018
Type : FeatureServer
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Fungsional Lebaran 2024
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Garis IPAL Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa AirTanah
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa BendunganEksisting
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa BendunganRencana
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi BangkaBelitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Jawa Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi JawaTimur
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi KalimantanBarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi KalimantanSelatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi KalimantanTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi KalimantanUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi KepulauanRiau
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi MalukuUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa bumi pabar
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Papua
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Sulteng
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Sultra
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Sulut
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi Sumut
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Bumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa IPAL
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa IPLT
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Jalan Nasional Dashboard
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa JalanTol
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Morotai
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa Rusunawa
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa SPAM
Type : FeatureServer
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Gempa TPA
Type : FeatureServer
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Genset Pos Jaga Setpres
Type : SceneServer
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Geologi Area Formasi Batuan
Type : FeatureServer
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Geologi Area Formasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Geologi Area Jenis Tanah
Type : FeatureServer
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Geologi Area Produksi Akuifer
Type : FeatureServer
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Geologi Line Patahan
Type : FeatureServer
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Geologi Line Zona Patahan
Type : FeatureServer
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Geologi Wakatobi
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Geomorfologi Pesisir Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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gerakan tanah123
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Gerakan Tanah BangkaBelitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Jawa Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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GErakan Tanah Jawabarat
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Gerakan Tanah JawaTimur
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah KalimantanBarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah KalimantanSelatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah KalimantanTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah KalimantanUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah KepulauanRiau
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah MalukuUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah NTT
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Gerakan Tanah Pabar
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Gerakan Tanah Papua
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Gerakan Tanah Provinsi Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Riau
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Gerakan Tanah Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Sulteng
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Sultra
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Gerakan Tanah Sulut
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Gerakan Tanah Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Sumut
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Tinggi April 2021
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Tinggi Bulan Juni
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Tinggi Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerakan Tanah Tinggi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol (all) Point
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol (all)
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Akses Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Bunder Manyar
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol CIbitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Cikampek Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Cisumdawu Seksi 6
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Depok Antasari Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol HBR II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol JORR Non S
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol JORR W1
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Kertosono Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol KLBM
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Gerbang Tol Krian Bunder
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Paspro Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Pekanbaru Kandis Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Relokasi Porong Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol SS Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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Gerbang Tol Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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GerbangTol Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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GerbangTol Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Gertan Tinggi Mei
Type : FeatureServer
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Gorontalo Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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gosong karang
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Grid Zone
Type : FeatureServer
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GT Binjai Langsa
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GT Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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GT Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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GT Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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GT Prof Dr Ir Soedijatmo
Type : FeatureServer
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GT Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api BangkaBelitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Jawa Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api JawaTimur
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api KalimantanBarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api KalimantanSelatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api KalimantanTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api KalimantanUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api KepulauanRiau
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api MalukuUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api NTB
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Gunung Api Pabar
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Gunung Api Papua
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Gunung Api Riau
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Gunung Api Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Sulteng
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Sultra
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Sulut
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Api Sumut
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung berapi Jawabarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Berapi NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Berapi Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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Gunung Berapi
Type : FeatureServer
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Hidrogeologi Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Hidrologi Area Batimetri Danau
Type : FeatureServer
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Hidrologi Area CAT
Type : FeatureServer
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Hidrologi Area DAS Toba
Type : FeatureServer
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Hidrologi Area DAS
Type : FeatureServer
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Hidrologi Line Lepasan Air Tanah
Type : FeatureServer
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Hidrologi Line Sungai
Type : FeatureServer
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Hidrologi Point Arah Permeabilitas
Type : FeatureServer
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hotspot high risk
Type : FeatureServer
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HPK site2
Type : SceneServer
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HPK Site 2 status 10 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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HTP 08
Type : FeatureServer
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IBM2020 2021
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Ibu kota kabupaten kota
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Ibu kota kecamatan
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Ibukota Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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IGT44 SebaranLokasi IPAL gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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IGT 2020 Sungai Pantai
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IGT Admin Provinsi
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ijd 2023
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IJD 2024 DbSiTIA
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IJD Jawa Bali
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IJD tahap1
Type : FeatureServer
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Iklim Area Musim
Type : FeatureServer
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Iklim Point Stasiun Hujan
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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IKP KabKot
Type : FeatureServer
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IKP Provinsi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Indeks Bahaya Banjir
Type : FeatureServer
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Indeks Bahaya Gempa Bumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Indeks Bahaya Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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Indeks Bahaya Letusan Gunung Api
Type : FeatureServer
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Indeks Bahaya Longsor
Type : FeatureServer
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Indeks Bahaya Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Indonesia Provinsi
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indrapura kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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infall banjir april
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infall banjir feb
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infall banjir januari 2023
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infall Banjir Juni 2022
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infall banjir maret
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infall banjir mei 2022
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infall banjir okt
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infall banjiragus
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infall banjirapril
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infall banjirdes
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infall banjirjan24
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infall banjirjuli2023
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infall banjirjuni (2)
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infall banjirmei
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infall banjirnov
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infall banjirokt
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infall banjirsept
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infall CH Desember
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infall ch nov 2022
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infall chfeb shp
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infall CHmaret
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infall gertan agustus
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infall gertan april
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infall gertan Desember
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infall gertan jan2023
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infall gertan maret
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infall gertan nov 2022
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infall gertan okt 2022
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infall gertanagus
Type : FeatureServer
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infall gertanapril
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infall gertandes
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infall gertanfeb
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infall gertanjan24
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infall gertanjuli3
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infall gertanjuli
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infall gertanjuni 2023
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infall gertanmaret
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infall gertannov
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infall gertanokt
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infall gertansept (2)
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infall Juli
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infall kekeringan mei 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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infall keringagus (2)
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infall keringapril
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infall keringdes
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infall keringjan24
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infall keringjuli2023
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infall keringnov
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infall keringokt
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infall keringsept (3)
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infall merge
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Infra Jalan
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Infrastruktur Cipta Karya
Type : FeatureServer
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Infrastruktur Jalan
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Infrastruktur PUPR
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Infrastruktur SDA v1 WFL1
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Infrastruktur SDA
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infrastrutur merge
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Intake Desain 1 WSL1
Type : SceneServer
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Intake Progress17112022
Type : SceneServer
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Intake sepaku Progress
Type : SceneServer
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Intake sepaku web mercator
Type : SceneServer
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Investasi Area Zona Investasi
Type : FeatureServer
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IPA 300 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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IPA Baja 02012024
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IPA Resind 01052024
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IPA Resind 02012024
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IPAL123 (1)
Type : SceneServer
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IPAL1 02012024
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IPAL1 05092023
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IPAL1 08032023
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IPAL1 1602
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IPAL1 27022023
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IPAL1 28112023
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IPAL1 31102023
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IPAL2 02012024
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IPAL2 08032023
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IPAL2 1602
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IPAL2 27022023
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IPAL2 27112023
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IPAL3 13122023
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IPAL3 1602
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IPAL3 27122023
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IPAL3 28112023
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IPAL 1 03032024
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IPAL 1 03102023
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IPAL 1 12022024
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IPAL 1 13052024
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IPAL 1 22012024
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IPAL 1 23042024
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IPAL 1 status 13 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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IPAL 1 status 28 Mei 2023
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IPAL 1 status 9 Agustus 2023
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IPAL 2 02102023
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IPAL 2 04032024
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IPAL 2 13052024
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IPAL 2 22012024
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IPAL 2 23042024
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IPAL 2 31102023
Type : SceneServer
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IPAL 2 status 28 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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IPAL 3 01042024
Type : SceneServer
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IPAL 3 05032024
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IPAL 3 06022024
Type : SceneServer
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IPAL 3 10012024
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IPAL 3 13052024
Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Bali
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Bangka Belitung
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Jatim
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Jawa Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Kalimantan Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Maluku Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Papua Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Riau
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IPAL Provinsi Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Sumatera Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Reguler Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Reguler Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Reguler Union
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Strategis Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Strategis Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPAL Strategis
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Bali
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IPLT Provinsi Bangka Belitung
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Banten
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IPLT Provinsi Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
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IPLT Provinsi Gorontalo
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IPLT Provinsi Jambi
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IPLT Provinsi Jawa Barat
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IPLT Provinsi Jawa Tengah
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IPLT Provinsi Jawa Timur
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IPLT Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Kalimantan Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
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IPLT Provinsi Lampung
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IPLT Provinsi Maluku Utara IPLT
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Maluku
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IPLT Provinsi NTB
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IPLT Provinsi NTT
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IPLT Provinsi Papua Barat
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IPLT Provinsi Papua
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IPLT Provinsi Riau
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IPLT Provinsi Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Sumatera Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Reguler Juli
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IPLT Reguler Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Reguler Union
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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IPLT Strategis Juli
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IPLT Strategis Kekeringan
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IPLT Strategis
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IPM 2019
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Istana 01052024
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Istana 01112023
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Istana 02012024
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istana 02032023 wgs
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Istana 02032023
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Istana 03102023
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Istana 05042023
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Istana 06032024
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Istana 06092023 WGS84
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Istana 07022024
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Istana 13122023
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Istana 23042024
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Istana 25012024
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Istana 28112023
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istana coba
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istana localscene
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Type : SceneServer
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Isu Air Minum Kalsel
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Isu Perkotaan gdb
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Jabar Kab
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Jakarta Cikampek II Selatan Survei
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalan Area
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Jalan Daerah DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalan daerah kelompok 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalan Feeder Bhinneka 06112023
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Jalan Feeder Bhinneka 07022024
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Jalan Feeder Bhinneka 12122023
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Jalan Feeder Bhinneka 26122023
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Jalan Feeder Botanical 06112023
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Jalan Feeder Botanical 07022024
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Jalan Feeder Botanical 12122023
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Jalan Feeder Botanical 22112023
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Jalan Feeder Botanical 26122023
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Jalan Feeder Botanical 27092023
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Jalan Feeder Grande 06112023
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Jalan Feeder Grande 07022024
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Jalan Feeder Grande 12122023
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Jalan Feeder Grande 22112023
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Jalan Feeder Grande 27092023
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Jalan Feeder Hankam 07022024
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Jalan Feeder LS2 07022024
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Jalan Feeder LS2 26122023
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Jalan Feeder LS3 26122023
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Jalan Feeder LS 2 06112023
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Jalan Feeder LS 2 12122023
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Jalan Feeder LS 2 22112023
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Jalan Feeder LS 3 07022024
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Jalan Feeder LS 3 12122023
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Jalan Feeder LS 3 22112023
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Jalan Godean
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalan Kalsel
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Jalan Kekeringan Jumlah
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Jalan Nasional2019
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Jalan Nasional April
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Jalan Nasional Bulan Juni
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalan Nasional DIY
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Jalan nasional Edit
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Jalan Nasional Gertan
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Jalan Nasional IGT 2023
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Jalan Nasional Juli
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Jalan Nasional Kekeringan
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Jalan Nasional Mei
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Jalan Nasional Non Tol 2022
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jalan nasional smt2 2021
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Jalan Nasional Tol 2022
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Jalan Nasional Tsunami
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Jalan Nasional Union
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Jalan Nasional
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Jalan Nasionall Gertan April
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Jalan Perbatasan Kalimantan
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Jalan Pilgrim
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Jalan Provinsi
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Jalan Sultan Agung
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Jalan Tol Bulan Juni
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Jalan Tol Kekeringan
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Jalan Tol Konstruksi Tsunami
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Jalan Tol Konstruksi
Type : MapServer
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Jalan Tol Mei
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Jalan Tol Operasi Juli 2021
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Jalan Tol Operasi Juli
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Jalan Tol Operasi Tsunami
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jalan tol operasi
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Jalan Tol Operasi
Type : MapServer
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Jalan Tol Operasional
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Jalan Tol Update Januari 2021
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalan TOLL
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Type : SceneServer
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Jalur Evakuasi DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalur Evakuasi Ds Nglumut Ds Sucen
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Jalur Evakuasi Ds Sengi Ds Treko
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Jalur Evakuasi Kaliurang Ngluwar
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Jalur Evakuasi Kapuhan Mangunsari
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Jalur Evakuasi Kemiren to salam
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Jalur Evakuasi Keningar Ngrajek
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Jalur Evakuasi Klaten
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Jalur Evakuasi Krinjing Deyangan
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Jalur Evakuasi Magelang
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Jalur Evakuasi Srumbungbaturono
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalur Evakuasi
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Jalur Lingkar Wae Kelambu
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalur Patahan Aktif Cugenang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalur Patahan Aktif
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Jalur penangkapan Ikan ole
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalur penyelamatan
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Jalur perjalanan ikan ole
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalur Rem Blong Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalur Temple Run
Type : FeatureServer
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Jalur Wisata
Type : FeatureServer
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Jambi Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Jaringan Drainase Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Jaringan Jalan Kabupaten Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Jaringan Jalan Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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Jaringan Jalan RBI Wakatobi
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Jaringan Koridor Utama
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Jaringan SPAM
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Jateng Kab
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Jatim Kab
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Jawa Barat
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Jawa Tengah
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Jawa Timur
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Type : MapServer
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JBH Total
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JBHTotal Mei2021
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Type : MapServer
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JDU JDP 13122023
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JDU JDP 1 01052024
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JDU JDP 1 02012024
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JDU JDP 1 02102023
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JDU JDP 1 07022024
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JDU JDP 1 07112023
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JDU JDP 1 08032024
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JDU JDP 1 24042024
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Jembatan Agustus
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Akses Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan April
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Jembatan Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Balang Pendek WGS
Type : SceneServer
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Jembatan Balang Pendek
Type : SceneServer
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Jembatan BMKG
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Bulan Juni
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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jembatan fix
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Jembatan Gantung2019
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Jembatan Gantung Bulan Juni
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Jembatan Gantung Mei
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Jembatan Gantung shp
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Jembatan Gantung
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Jembatan Juli
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Jembatan Kekeringan
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Jembatan Medan Binjai Seksi 1A 2 3
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Jembatan Mei
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Jembatan Nasional2019
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Jembatan Nasional Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass JORR Non S
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass KLBM
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Paspro
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Overpass Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Pulau Balang 02052024
Type : SceneServer
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Jembatan Pulau Balang 03112023
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Jembatan Pulau Balang 06102023
Type : SceneServer
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Jembatan Pulau Balang 21042024
Type : SceneServer
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Jembatan shp
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Depok Antasari
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Jembatan Sungai Gempol Pandaan
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Jembatan Sungai Gempol Pasuruan
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Jembatan Sungai Indrapura Kisaran
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Jembatan Sungai Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai JORR Non S
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai JORR W1
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Kertosono Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai KLBM
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Sungai Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpas TBPPKA
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass JORR Non S
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass JORR W1
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass KLBM
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Paspro
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Seroja
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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Jembatan Underpass Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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JembatanPulauBalang 07032024
Type : SceneServer
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JembatanPulauBalang 09022024
Type : SceneServer
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Join Features Lereng
Type : FeatureServer
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Join Features to Provinsi
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Belawan Medan Tanjung Morowa
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Bengkulu Taba Penanjung
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Cikampek Purwakarta Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Cileunyi Sumedang Dawuan
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Cinere Jagorawi Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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JPO JORR S Pondok Pinang TMII
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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JPO JORR W2 Utara Ciledug Ulujami
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Palimanan Plumbon Kanci
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Prof Dr Ir Soedijatmo
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Simpang Indralaya Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Simpang Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Wiyoto Wiyono
Type : FeatureServer
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JPO Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Jugosari Dispersion DAM
Type : MapServer
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Junction 6 Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cileunyi Sumedang Dawuan
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cinere Jagorawi Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cinere Jagorawi Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Ciranjang Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Cisumdawu Seksi 6
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction CTA Jembatan 3 Peluit
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Depok Antasari Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Gedebage Cilacap
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction HBR II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Jakarta Cikampekk
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Japek II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Japek II Selatan Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Japek II Selatan
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Junction JORR Non S
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Junction JORR W1
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Junction Kertosono Kediri
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Junction KLBM
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Junction Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Medan Binjai Seksi 1A 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Prof Dr Ir Soedijatmo
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Rengat Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Seluruh Jalan Tol
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction SerpongCinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Soreja
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Ujung Pandang
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Junction Wiyoto Wiyono
Type : FeatureServer
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Junction Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet HBR II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Japek II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Prabumulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel Sutet Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabel SUTET Tangeran Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Kabupaten WS Siak
Type : FeatureServer
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Kalbar Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Kalimantan Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Kalimantan Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Kalimantan Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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Kalimantan Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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Kalsel Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Kaltara Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Kalteng Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Kaltim Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Kampung Wisata
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Kanpres 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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Kanpres 06022024
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Kanpres 06122023
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Kanpres 15112023
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Kanpres 23022024
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Kanpres 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Kanpres 24102023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Kantor Gerbang Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor Gerbang Tol Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor PMS Lombok
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor PUPR Jawa Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor PUPR
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor Sigli Banda Aceh Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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Kantor Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Katim Tes
Type : FeatureServer
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Kawasan Hutan 2011 Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Kawasan Konservasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Kawasan Prioritas Bappenas
Type : FeatureServer
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Kawasan Rawan Abrasi RTRW 2012
Type : FeatureServer
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Kawasan Strategis RPJMN20152019
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Kawasan Strategis RPJMN20202024
Type : FeatureServer
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kayuagung palembang betung
Type : FeatureServer
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KDI Klerek
Type : MapServer
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Kecamatan Tempel
Type : FeatureServer
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KEK Tanamori Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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kel 1 aul 14042022
Type : FeatureServer
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Kelerengan Komodo Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Kelompok Rentan Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Kemenko1 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko1 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko1 12092023 WGS84
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Kemenko1 20022023
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Kemenko1 28032023
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Kemenko1 28062023 WGS84
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Kemenko1 28112023
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Kemenko2 06122023
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko3 01042023 WGS84
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Kemenko3 08072023
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KEMENKO3 09092023 wgs84
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Kemenko3 09122023
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Kemenko3 10022024
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Kemenko3 25022023
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Kemenko3 25112023
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Kemenko3 29122023
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Kemenko3 30092023
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Kemenko4 03012024
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Kemenko4 04042023
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Kemenko4 09102023
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KEMENKO4 12072023
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Kemenko4 13122023
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Kemenko4 14022024
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Kemenko4 29112023
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko 1 01042024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko 1 01112023
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Kemenko 1 03032024
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Kemenko 1 20032024
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Kemenko 1 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko 1 status 8 Agustus 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko 2 03012024
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Kemenko 2 04102023
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Kemenko 2 07022024
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Kemenko 2 17012024
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Kemenko 2 22102023
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Kemenko 2 28022024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko 3 02032024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko 3 04052024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko 3 04112023
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Kemenko 3 20012024
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Kemenko 3 20042024
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Kemenko 3 status 5 Agustus 2023
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Kemenko 4 06032024
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Kemenko 4 08052024
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Kemenko 4 08112023
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Kemenko 4 24012024
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Kemenko 4 24042024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko 4 status 9 Agustus 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko PMK status 10 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Kemenko PMK status 31 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Kemensetneg 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemensetneg 09032024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemensetneg 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Kemensetneg 24032023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Kep Bangka Belitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Kep Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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Kepri Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Kerentanan Gerakan Tanah
Type : FeatureServer
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kertasura solo ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan Bina Marga Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan BM BTS
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan BM Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan BM Wakatobi (Point)
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan CK BTS
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan CK Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan CK Toba
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan CK Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan CK
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan Kabupaten BM Toba
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan Nasional BM Toba
Type : FeatureServer
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Keterlaksanaan Provinsi BM Toba
Type : FeatureServer
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ketinggian Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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KI RPJMN20152019
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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KIPP 1A 18032024
Type : SceneServer
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Type : MapServer
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KKOP Manggarai Barat Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster A Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster A Jawabarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster A Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster A NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster A Pabar
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster A Papua
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster A Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster B Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster B Jawabarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster B Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster B NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster B Pabar
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster B Papua
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster B Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster BPOLBF Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster C Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster C Jawabarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster C Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster C NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster C Pabar
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster C Papua
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster C Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster D Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster D Jawabarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster D Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster D NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster D Pabar
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster D Papua
Type : FeatureServer
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Klaster D Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA BangkaBelitung
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA JawaTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA JawaTimur
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA KalimantanBarat
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA KalimantanSelatan
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA KalimantanTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA KalimantanUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA KepulauanRiau
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA MalukuUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterA Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB BangkaBelitung
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB JawaTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB JawaTimur
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB KalimantanBarat
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB KalimantanSelatan
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB KalimantanTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB KalimantanUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB KepulauanRiau
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB MalukuUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterB Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC BangkaBelitung
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC JawaTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC JawaTimur
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC KalimantanBarat
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC KalimantanSelatan
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC KalimantanTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC KalimantanUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC KepulauanRiau
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC MalukuUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterC Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD BangkaBelitung
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD JawaTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD JawaTimur
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD KalimantanBarat
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD KalimantanSelatan
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD KalimantanTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD KalimantanUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD KepulauanRiau
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD MalukuUtara
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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KlasterD Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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KM Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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KM Palimanan Plumbon Kanci
Type : FeatureServer
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Km Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Km Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
Type : FeatureServer
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kol retensi
Type : SceneServer
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Kolam Retensi SG01 20032024
Type : SceneServer
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Kolam Retensi SG01 27122023
Type : SceneServer
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Kolam Retensi TR01 03042024
Type : SceneServer
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Kolam Retensi TR01 25012024
Type : SceneServer
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Kompleks PUPR CIteureup
Type : MapServer
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Konreg TA2022
Type : FeatureServer
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Konsep pariwisata 20220912
Type : FeatureServer
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Konservasi Area Hutan
Type : FeatureServer
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Konservasi Area Perairan
Type : FeatureServer
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KONSTRUKSI Centerline 29112022
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KONSTRUKSI Simpang Susun
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi 2021 Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi 2021 Lombok
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi 2021 Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi 2022 Lombok
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi 2023 Toba
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Kontribusi BM 2019 BYP
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi BM 2020 BYP
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi BM 2021 BYP
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi CK 2021 BTS
Type : FeatureServer
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Kontribusi CK 2021
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Kontur BYP LN
Type : FeatureServer
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Koridor Utama DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Koridor Utama Jawa Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Koridor Utama Jawa Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Koridor Utama Jawa
Type : FeatureServer
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Kota bandar lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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KP2B Manggarai Barat Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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KRB Gunung Merapi
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KSPN 2019
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Kualitas Air Area Danau
Type : FeatureServer
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Kunjungan Menteri 15 22
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Kunjungan Menteri 2023
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Kunjungan Menteri 2024
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LabuanBajo Lahan Terbangun 2011
Type : FeatureServer
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Lahan Terbangun 2005 Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Lahan Terbangun 2015 Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Lahan Terbangun 2020 Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Land Dev 1
Type : SceneServer
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Land Dev II HPK Hankam 05042023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Landuse Area Eksisting
Type : FeatureServer
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Lanskap KIPP 05052024
Type : SceneServer
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laporan fleet
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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LD2 HPK Hankam 01112023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 HPK Hankam 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 HPK Hankam 06092023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 HPK Hankam 15122023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 HPK Hankam 27112023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 HPK Hankam 27122023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 1 01112023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 1 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 1 15122023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 1 27112023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 1 27122023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 2 01112023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 2 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 2 06092023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 2 15122023
Type : SceneServer
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LD2 West Residence 2 27112023
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LD2 West Residence 2 27122023
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LD2 WestResidence1 06092023
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LD 1B 11122023
Type : SceneServer
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LD 1B ALL Zona 28112023
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LD 1B ALL Zona 31122023
Type : SceneServer
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LD 1B Zona1
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LD 1B Zona2
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LD 1B Zona3A
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LD 1B Zona3B
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LD 1B Zona4
Type : SceneServer
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LD 1B Zona 1 18102023
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LD 1B Zona 3 06092023
Type : SceneServer
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LD 1B Zona 5 23102023
Type : SceneServer
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LD 1
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Leprak Check DAM 1 dan 2
Type : MapServer
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Leprak Depression DAM 1
Type : MapServer
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Leprak Depression DAM 2
Type : MapServer
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Leprak Depression DAM 3
Type : MapServer
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Line Plan RTA Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Lingkar Sepaku 4 27022023
Type : SceneServer
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Lingkar Sepaku 4
Type : SceneServer
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LingkarSepaku4 05092023 WGS84
Type : SceneServer
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LingkarSepaku4 24022023
Type : SceneServer
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Lingkungan Point Kualitas Udara
Type : FeatureServer
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link cc2
Type : FeatureServer
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link cc
Type : MapServer
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link cct3 04062021
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link cctv 2 new
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link cctv new view
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link cctv new
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Lintas Peny Sabuk RTRWN 2016
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Loan ITDP 2023 BM BYP
Type : FeatureServer
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Lokasi bangunan heritage 2021
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Lokasi bangunan heritage 2022
Type : FeatureServer
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Lokasi Destinasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Lokasi Fasilitas Budaya Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Lokasi Paket Pekerjaan IKN
Type : FeatureServer
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Lokasi Paket Pekerjaan
Type : FeatureServer
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lokasi penangkapan ikan Ole
Type : FeatureServer
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Lokasi PUPR Digitasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Lokasi Rencana Relokasi PUPR
Type : FeatureServer
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Lokasi temapt evakuasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Loket Peta Provinsi 2019 2
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Loket Peta Provinsi 2019 Point
Type : FeatureServer
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lombok mei 23
Type : FeatureServer
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LSS4 13022024
Type : SceneServer
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LSS4 29102023 WGS84
Type : SceneServer
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LSS4 29122023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Main Road 0 900 KIT Batang
Type : MapServer
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MainRoad2600 2800
Type : MapServer
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MainRoad900 1800
Type : MapServer
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Maluku 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Maluku Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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Manusia Area Land Allocation 2018
Type : FeatureServer
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Manusia Area Land Allocation 2023
Type : FeatureServer
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Manusia Area Land Allocation 2028
Type : FeatureServer
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Manusia Area Land Allocation 2033
Type : FeatureServer
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Manusia Area Land Allocation 2038
Type : FeatureServer
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Manusia Area Land Allocation 2045
Type : FeatureServer
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Map latihan hari pertama
Type : FeatureServer
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Marketplace 01052024
Type : SceneServer
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Marketplace 17042024
Type : SceneServer
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Marves SLPK
Type : SceneServer
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Masjid Negara 07052024
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Mata Air Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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medan binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Morfologi 2013
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Morfologi 2021
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Nama Pulau GAZETER PT Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Nama Simpul Jalan
Type : FeatureServer
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new scene
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Nusa Tenggara Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Nusa Tenggara Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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Objek Wisata Budaya Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Oblique Area Kementerian PUPR
Type : SceneServer
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Oblique Pagoda
Type : SceneServer
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Oblique PUPR
Type : SceneServer
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OIKN 03052024
Type : SceneServer
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On Off Ramp Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Becakayu
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On Off Ramp Belmera
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Bogor Ring Road
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On Off Ramp Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Cisemdawu
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp JORR Non S
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp JORR S
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp JORR W1
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On Off Ramp JORR W2 Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Prof Dr Ir Soedijatmo
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Seluruh Jalan Tol
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Ramp Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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ON OFF Ramp Wiyoto Wiyono
Type : FeatureServer
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On Off Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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OnOff Ramp Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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OnOff Ramp Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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OnOff Ramp Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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OPERASI Centerline 29112022
Type : FeatureServer
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OPERASI Junction
Type : FeatureServer
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OPERASI SimpangSusun
Type : FeatureServer
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Ortho Segmen13
Type : MapServer
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Ortho Segmen14
Type : MapServer
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Ortho Segmen15
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Ortho Segmen16
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Ortho Segmen17
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Ortho Segmen18
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Ortho Segmen19
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Ortho Segmen20
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Ortho Segmen 8
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Ortho sirnagalih 20221211
Type : MapServer
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OSM Road Indonesia Filter
Type : MapServer
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OSM Road Indonesia Filter
Type : VectorTileServer
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Overpass Akses Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Cileunyi Sumedang Dawuan
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass CimanggisCibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Cinere Jagorawi Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Cinere Jagorawi Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Cisumdawu Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Cisumdawu Seksi 6
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Depok Antasari Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Krian Bunder
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Medan Binjai Seksi 1A 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Padang Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Serang Panimbang Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Serang Panimbang Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Sigli Banda Aceh Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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overpass SS Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Overpass Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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padang pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Paket BM Bali
Type : FeatureServer
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Paket CK Bali
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Paket SDA Bali
Type : FeatureServer
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PaketI4 23Des21
Type : MapServer
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palembang indralaya
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palembang tanjungapiapi
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pandang sicincin
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Papua Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Pariwisata Point Atraksi
Type : FeatureServer
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Parking Bay Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Parkir Borbudur point
Type : FeatureServer
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Parkir Borobudur region
Type : FeatureServer
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Parkir Damkar Setpres 2
Type : SceneServer
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Pasar Prawirotaman
Type : FeatureServer
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Patahan Cugenang
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL DKI Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Jabar
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PBL Kaltim
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Aceh
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PBL Provinsi Bali
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PBL Provinsi Bangka Belitung
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Bengkulu
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PBL Provinsi Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Jawa Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Kalimantan Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Kalimantan Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Maluku Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Papua Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Papua
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Provinsi Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Sulsel
Type : FeatureServer
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PBL Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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PBSLT 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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PBSLT Jembatan 1 30042024
Type : SceneServer
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PBSLT Jembatan 2 30122023
Type : SceneServer
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PCB Serang Panimbang Seksi 1 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Pegawai Balitbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Pegawai BPIW
Type : FeatureServer
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PegawaiPU Update04012020
Type : FeatureServer
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pekanbaru kandis dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Pekerjaan Perbaikan Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Pekerjaan Perbaikan JORR E
Type : FeatureServer
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Pekerjaan Perbaikan JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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Pekerjaan Perbaikan Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Pekerjaan Perbaikan Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Pekerjaan Perbaikan Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Pekerjaan Perbaikan Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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Pelabuhan Review baru RTRWN 2016
Type : FeatureServer
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Pemanfaatan Lahan Area Tahun 2010
Type : FeatureServer
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Pemanfaatan Lahan Area Tahun 2017
Type : FeatureServer
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Pemanfaatan Lahan Point Embung
Type : FeatureServer
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Penanganan BM
Type : FeatureServer
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Penanganan Tanah Lunak TBPPKA
Type : FeatureServer
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Penataan Jalan Lingkungan
Type : FeatureServer
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Penduduk Miskin 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Penduduk Polygon Jumlah Lombok
Type : FeatureServer
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Penduduk Polygon Kepadatan Lombok
Type : FeatureServer
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Pengaman Pantai2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Pengem Perkotaan RPJMN20202024
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Pengendali Banjir2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Penggunaan Lahan 2013 Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Penggunaan Lahan 2021 Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Penggunaan Lahan Labuan Bajo 2005
Type : FeatureServer
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Penggunaan Lahan Labuan Bajo 2011
Type : FeatureServer
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Penggunaan Lahan Labuan Bajo 2015
Type : FeatureServer
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Penggunaan Lahan Labuan Bajo 2020
Type : FeatureServer
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Penguasaan PTPR2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
Type : FeatureServer
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Permasalahan Sosial
Type : FeatureServer
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Permukiman Tradisional LN
Type : FeatureServer
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Permukiman Tradisional
Type : FeatureServer
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PermukimanArea Clip 25K
Type : FeatureServer
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Persil Kab Wakatobi desa
Type : FeatureServer
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Persil Kab Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Persil Rumah Babakankaret
Type : FeatureServer
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Persil Rumah Murnisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Persil Rumah Sirnagalih 20221212
Type : FeatureServer
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Persil Rumah Sirnagalih
Type : FeatureServer
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Persil Terdaftar IKN
Type : FeatureServer
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Perumahan Terdampak(Data 09012020)
Type : FeatureServer
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Peta Air Tanah DWH2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Peta Bencana Banjir 2012 2020
Type : FeatureServer
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Peta Curah Hujan Kab Karo1
Type : FeatureServer
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Peta Jalan Daerah Kel 1 20200911
Type : FeatureServer
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Peta Jalan Nasional DWH2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Peta Sebaran Lokasi SPAM DWH2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab TBPPKA
Type : FeatureServer
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Pile Slab Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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PintuAir Jabodetabek
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Solo NYIA
Type : FeatureServer
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Pipa Gas Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Cibicil
Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Kayu Agung Palembang Betung
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Palembang Sp Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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PJL Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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PKP DKI Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Jabar
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Kaltim
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Bali
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Bangka Belitung
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Jawa Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Kalimantan Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Kalimantan Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Maluku Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Papua Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Papua
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Provinsi Sumsel
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Sulsel
Type : FeatureServer
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PKP Sumbar
Type : FeatureServer
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PKSN PKT KSPN Metro RPJMN 20152019
Type : FeatureServer
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Plaza Bhinneka 03032024
Type : SceneServer
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Plaza Bhinneka 05052024
Type : SceneServer
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Plaza Bhinneka 30122023
Type : SceneServer
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Plaza Legislatif 03032024
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Plaza Legislatif 04052024
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Plaza Legislatif 30122023
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Plaza Seremoni 011023
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Plaza Seremoni 12032024
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Plaza Seremoni 16FEB
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Plaza Seremoni 20022024
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Plaza Seremoni 21072023
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Plaza Seremoni 25112023
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Plaza Seremoni 26122023
Type : SceneServer
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Plaza Seremoni 29102023
Type : SceneServer
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plaza seremoni
Type : SceneServer
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Plaza Yudikatif 03032024
Type : SceneServer
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Plaza Yudikatif 04052024
Type : SceneServer
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Plaza Yudikatif 30122023
Type : SceneServer
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Pola Ruang 2029 Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Pola Ruang 2033 Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Pola Ruang 2044 Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Pola Ruang 2048 Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Pola Ruang AR RTRW 2018
Type : FeatureServer
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Pola Ruang Taman Nasional Komodo
Type : FeatureServer
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Pola Ruang Tanjung Goa Rangko
Type : FeatureServer
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Pola ruang TDA BYP Eksisting AR
Type : FeatureServer
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polhukam mercator
Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Pompa Ciptakarya
Type : FeatureServer
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Pompa PU Kota
Type : FeatureServer
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Populasi Desa Idn
Type : FeatureServer
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Populasi Desa Idn
Type : MapServer
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Portal Culvert Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Pos Curah Hujan DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Pos Curah Hujan fix
Type : FeatureServer
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Pos Curah Hujan Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Pos Duga Air Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Pos Klimatologi Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Potensi Irigasi Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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PPK DIY 2022
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Prakiraan hujan ad hoc BMKG
Type : FeatureServer
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Prediksi Curah Hujan Januari 2022
Type : FeatureServer
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Progres7Desember2 csv
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Provinsi Loketpeta 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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PSU 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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pulau kecil
Type : FeatureServer
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Pulau Manggarai Barat Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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PUPR Wing 2 07032024
Type : SceneServer
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Pusat kegiatan RTRW2012 PKLP
Type : FeatureServer
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Pusat kegiatan RTRW2012 PKWP
Type : FeatureServer
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Pusat kegiatan RTRW2012 PPK
Type : FeatureServer
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Pusat kegiatan RTRW2012 PPL
Type : FeatureServer
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pusdatin3D WSL1
Type : FeatureServer
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pusdatin3D WSL1
Type : MapServer
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pusdatin3D WSL1
Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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radius lima ribu
Type : FeatureServer
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radius seribu
Type : FeatureServer
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radius situs budaya
Type : FeatureServer
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radius tiga ribu
Type : FeatureServer
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radius tujuh ribu
Type : FeatureServer
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Rawan Air NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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Rawan Banjir
Type : FeatureServer
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Rawan bencana DESA
Type : FeatureServer
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Rawan Bencana Jawabarat
Type : FeatureServer
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Rawan bencana
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Belawan Medan Tanjung Morowa
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Bengkulu Taba Penanjung
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Cikampek Purwakarta Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Kertosono Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Medan Binjai Seksi 1A 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Palimanan Plumbon Kanci
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Pekanbaru Bangkinang Pangkalan
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Serang Panimbang Seksi 1 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Sigli Banda Aceh Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Simpang Indralaya Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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RCP Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Regoyo Consolidation DAM
Type : MapServer
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Rekap Bencana
Type : FeatureServer
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Rekap Infrastruktur KabupatenKota
Type : FeatureServer
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Relokasi Adonara
Type : FeatureServer
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Ren Pengmbg Line Jalan TRR 2025
Type : FeatureServer
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Ren Pengmbg Line Jalan TRR 2035
Type : FeatureServer
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Ren Pengmbg Line Jalan TRR 2045
Type : FeatureServer
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Ren Pengmbg Line Rel KA
Type : FeatureServer
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Ren polaRuang DLH 2013
Type : FeatureServer
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Renaks Yogyakarta Line
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Air Bersih Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Aksi Borobudur
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Aksi ITMP Flyover BYP
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Aksi ITMP Jalan BYP
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Aksi Jogja
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Aksi Prambanan Poligon
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Aksi Prambanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Drainase Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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rencana istana presiden
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Jalan IKN
Type : FeatureServer
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rencana jalan tol jangka menengah
Type : FeatureServer
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rencana jalan tol jangka Panjang
Type : FeatureServer
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rencana jalan tol jangka pendek
Type : FeatureServer
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rencana jalan
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Pola Ruang Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Rencana Reservoar Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Risiko Banjir
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Risiko Sedang 05042020
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Risiko Sedang 24042020
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Risiko Tanah Longsor
Type : FeatureServer
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Risiko Tinggi2
Type : FeatureServer
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Risiko Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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RK Rencana DelineasiKIPP
Type : FeatureServer
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RK Rencana IstanaPresiden PT
Type : FeatureServer
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RK Rencana Jalan
Type : FeatureServer
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ROW44A STA 2000 2500 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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ROW44A STA 2500 3000 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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ROW44A STA 3000 3500 07102023
Type : SceneServer
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ROW44A STA 7000 7500 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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ROW44A STA 7500 8000 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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ROW 44A STA 0 SD 778 29102023
Type : SceneServer
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ROW 44A STA 6500 7000 29102023
Type : SceneServer
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Rowogedang Consolidation Dam
Type : MapServer
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RPIW Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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RPIW Kalimantan Timur
Type : MapServer
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RPJIP Sumatera
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Ruang Udara DISHUB 2018
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Jalan Nasional Agustus
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Jalan Nasional Bulan Juni
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Jalan NasionalAgustus
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Jalan Nasional
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Jalan Tol Bulan Juni
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Jalan Tol Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Jalan Tol Operasinal
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Jalan Tol
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Tol Konstruksi 20092022
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Tol Konstruksi
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Tol Operasi 20092022
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Tol Operasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Ruas Tol
Type : FeatureServer
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Rumah Adat Point KTA
Type : FeatureServer
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Rumah Khusus2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Rumah Khusus DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Rumah Menteri 03012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Menteri 13122023
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Menteri 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Menteri 29112023
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Sakit
Type : FeatureServer
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Rumah Tapak Menteri 04102023
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Tapak Menteri 06032024
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Tapak Menteri 07042023
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Rumah Tapak Menteri 08052024
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Tapak Menteri 08112023
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Tapak Menteri 26042024
Type : SceneServer
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Rumah Tapak Menteri
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 Gov 03012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 Gov 03042024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 Gov 15052024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 Gov 20022024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 Gov 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 West 03012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 West 03042024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 West 06032024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 West 15052024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 1 West 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 2 09042024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 3 01012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 3 01052024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 3 02102023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 3 08122023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 3 17042024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 3 18012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 3 22112023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 3 28022024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 4 04032024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 4 12112023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 4 12122023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 4 13052024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 4 16042024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 4 22012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 4 29102023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun ASN 4 31122023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun fix
Type : FeatureServer
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Rusun Paspampre 17042024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Paspampres 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Paspampres 04032024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Paspampres 11122023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Paspampres 23012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Paspampres 27112023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Polri BIN 01012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Polri BIN 01042024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Polri BIN 04032024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Polri BIN 06122023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Polri BIN 22012024
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Polri BIN 23102023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusun Polri BIN 27112023
Type : SceneServer
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Rusunawa 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Rusunawa Agustus
Type : FeatureServer
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Rusunawa DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Rusunawa Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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Rusunawa Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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Rusunawa Union
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Rusus fix
Type : FeatureServer
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Rute Shuttle S
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Rute Shuttle T
Type : FeatureServer
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Rutena Rumah Terdampak
Type : FeatureServer
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Sabo Dam 2018
Type : FeatureServer
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Sabo Dam Cleansing
Type : FeatureServer
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Sabo DAM Februari 2021
Type : FeatureServer
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Sabo Dam Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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Sabo Dam Union
Type : FeatureServer
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Sabo Dam
Type : FeatureServer
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Sabo Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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sabodam 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Sabodam DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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sabodam fix
Type : FeatureServer
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Sampel Kaltim
Type : FeatureServer
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Sampel Kaltim
Type : MapServer
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Sanitasi dan AirMinum
Type : FeatureServer
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Sanitasi Point Rumah Pompa KTA 01
Type : FeatureServer
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Sarana Olahraga
Type : FeatureServer
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Sarana Pendidikan
Type : FeatureServer
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Sarparas IB 17042024
Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Scene22 WTL1
Type : MapServer
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Scene2 WTL1
Type : MapServer
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SDM Point Program SDM
Type : FeatureServer
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Sea Turtle Appearance Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran 11 Sumber Daya Penting
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Air Tanah 2018
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran akomodasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi IPAL Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi IPAL Strategis
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi IPLT Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi IPLT Strategis
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi IPLT
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi PBL Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi PBL Strategis
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi PKP Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi PKP Strategis
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi PLBN
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi SPAM Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi SPAM Strategis
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi SPAM
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi TPA Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi TPA Strategis
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Lokasi TPA
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Pelayanan Umum 20220128
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Penanganan MI
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Penanganan SD
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Penanganan Sekolah MA
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Penanganan Sekolah MTs
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Penanganan Sekolah SMA SMK
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Penanganan Sekolah SMP
Type : FeatureServer
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Sebaran Sekolah Tahun 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Sekmen 4 Progress
Type : SceneServer
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Sekmen 4
Type : SceneServer
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Sekolah DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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sekolah fix
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Sekpres 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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Sekpres 02032023 wgs
Type : SceneServer
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Sekpres 03102023
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Sekpres 04032024
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SEKPRES 07112023
Type : SceneServer
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Sekpres 11122023
Type : SceneServer
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Sekpres 12022024
Type : SceneServer
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Sekpres 13052024
Type : SceneServer
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Sekpres 22042024
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Sekpres 27112023
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Sekpres 29012024
Type : SceneServer
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Sekpres Paspampres GensetUtama
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Sekretariat Presiden 05042023
Type : SceneServer
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serpong cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Sesar Regional
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Shake Map 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Shake Map
Type : FeatureServer
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SHP CH Desember
Type : FeatureServer
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SHP Cuaca November
Type : FeatureServer
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SHP Gertan Desember
Type : FeatureServer
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SHP Gertan November
Type : FeatureServer
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SHP Gertan Oktober
Type : FeatureServer
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SHP Indo rev2
Type : FeatureServer
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SHP Rawan Banjir Oktober 2021
Type : FeatureServer
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SHP Rawan Kekeringan Oktober 2021
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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sigli banda aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang JORR W1
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang JORR W2 Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Seluruh Jalan Tol
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Semarang A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Soreja
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang SS Waru Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang TBPPKA
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Wiyoto Wiyono
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Sebidang Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Akses Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Bunder Manyar
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Cikampek Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Ciranjang Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Cisumdawu Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Cisumdawu Seksi 6
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Gedebege Cilacap
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Gilimanuk Mengwi
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun JORR Non S
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun JORR W1
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun JORR W2 Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Kertososno Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun KLBM
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Krian Bunder
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Padang Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Paspro Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Paspro
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Rengat Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Salabenda Caringin
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Seluruh Jalan Tol
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun SS Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Sukabumi Ciranjang
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Tol Tsunami
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Wiyoto Wiyono
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Simpang Susun
Type : FeatureServer
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Sistem Perkotaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Sister Vilage
Type : FeatureServer
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Sister Village Klaten
Type : FeatureServer
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Sister Village Merapi2
Type : FeatureServer
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Sister Village
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Situ 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Sleman Temple Run S
Type : FeatureServer
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Sleman Temple Run T
Type : FeatureServer
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SLPK Gedung Sekpres
Type : SceneServer
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SLPK Mess Paspampres
Type : SceneServer
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Soponyono Consolidation DAM
Type : MapServer
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SPAM1 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM1 05092023 WGS84
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM2 02032023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM2 12092023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 01112023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 03102023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 0603024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 13122023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 15052024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 17042024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 29112023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 1 status 9 Agustus 2023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 02012024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 03102023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 06032024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 07112023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 12122023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 17012024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 27032024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 27042024
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 28112023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM 2 status 8 Agustus 2023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM Bulan Juni
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM fix
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM gdb
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM P2 16022023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM Paket 1 status 31 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM Paket 2 04032023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM Paket 2 status 31 Mei 2023
Type : SceneServer
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SPAM Provinsi Bali
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Bangka Belitung
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Banten
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Gorontalo
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Jambi
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Jawa Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Jawa Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Kalimantan Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Kalimantan Timur
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Kalimantan Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Maluku Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Maluku
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi NTB
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi NTT
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Papua Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Papua
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Riau
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Sumatera Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Reguler Juli
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Reguler Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Reguler Union
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Reguler
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Strategis Juli 2021
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Strategis Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Strategis union
Type : FeatureServer
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SPAM Strategis
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Spasial Area Ekspansi Permukiman
Type : FeatureServer
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Spasial Area Kesesuaian Lahan
Type : FeatureServer
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Spasial Area Proyeksi Kamar Hotel
Type : FeatureServer
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Spasial Area Proyeksi Sampah
Type : FeatureServer
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Spasial Line Jaringan Air Bersih
Type : FeatureServer
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Spasial Point Struktur Ruang
Type : FeatureServer
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sql cleanse
Type : FeatureServer
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SS Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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STA 6 Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Akses Pelabuhan Patimban
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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STA AksesKertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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STA BalikpapanSamarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Belawan Medan Tanjung Morowa
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Bengkulu Taba Penanjung
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Bogor Serpong via Parung
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Bunder Manyar
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 3 dan 4
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cikampek Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cikampek Purwakarta Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cikunir Karawaci Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cileunyi Sumedang Dawuan
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cimanggis Cibitung Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cimanggis Cibitung Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cinere Jagorawi Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cinere Jagorawi Seksi 1 dan 2
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cinere Jagorawi Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Ciranjang Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cisumdawu Seksi 1 dan 2
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cisumdawu Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Cisumdawu Seksi 6
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Depok Antasari Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Depok Antasari Seksi 1 dan 2
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Depok Antasari Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Depok Antasari Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Gedebage Cilacap
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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STA GilimanukMengwi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Harbour Toll Road Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA HBR II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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sta indrapura kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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STA IndrapuraKisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Jakarta Cikampek II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA JORR Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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STA JORR S Pondok Pinang TMII
Type : FeatureServer
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STA JORR W2 Utara Ciledug Ulujami
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Kamal Teluk Naga Rajeg
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Kayu Agung 1A
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Kayu Agung 1B 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Kayu Agung PalembangBetung
Type : FeatureServer
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sta kayuagung palembang betung
Type : FeatureServer
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sta kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Kertosono Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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sta km Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Krian Bunder
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Krian Legundi BunderManyar
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Lubuk Linggau Curup Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Makassar New Port
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Medan Binjai Seksi 1A 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Medan Kualanamu Tebing Tinggi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Nusa Dua Ngurah Rai Benoa
Type : FeatureServer
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sta padang sicincin
Type : FeatureServer
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STA PadangSicincin
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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sta palembang tanjungapiapi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA PalembangTanjung Apiapi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA PandaanMalang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Paspro Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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STA PasuruanProbolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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STA PejaganPemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Pekanbaru Bangkinang Pangkalan
Type : FeatureServer
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sta pekanbaru kandis dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Pekanbaru KandisDumai
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Porong Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Prof Dr Ir Soedijatmo
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Rengat Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Seamanan Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Semarang Demak Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Semarang Demak Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Sentul Selatan Karawang Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Serang Panimbang Seksi 1 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Serang Panimbang Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Serang Panimbang Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Serang Panimbang Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Sigli Banda Aceh Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Sigli Banda Aceh Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Sigli BandaAceh
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Simpang Indralaya Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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STA SS Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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STA SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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STA SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Sukabumi Ciranjang
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Ujung Pandang Seksi 1 dan 2
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Wiyoto Wiyono
Type : FeatureServer
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STA Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Status Jalan Kabupaten
Type : FeatureServer
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Status Jalan Provinsi
Type : FeatureServer
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struktur kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Sulawesi Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Sulawesi Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Sulawesi Tenggara
Type : FeatureServer
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Sulawesi Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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Sumatera Barat
Type : FeatureServer
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Sumatera Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Sumatera Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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Sumbar Kab
Type : FeatureServer
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Sumber air mataAir
Type : FeatureServer
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SumberDayaPUPR 24Nov csv
Type : FeatureServer
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SumberDayaPUPR csv
Type : FeatureServer
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Sumbu Barat 06032024
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Barat 12102023
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Barat 24012024
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Barat 24032024
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Sumbu Barat 27122023
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Barat 2 11052024
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Barat 31102023
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Barat status 21 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Filosofi
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Kebangsaan Landscape
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Kebangsaan No Landscape
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Kebangsaan Timur 05032023
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Timur 14012024
Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Timur 25122023
Type : SceneServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Sumbu Timur status 24 Juli 2023
Type : SceneServer
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SumbuTimur 02102023
Type : SceneServer
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SumbuTimur 25062023 WGS84
Type : SceneServer
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Sungai DIY
Type : FeatureServer
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Sungai Jawa(Area)
Type : FeatureServer
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sungai lampung
Type : FeatureServer
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Sungai line RBI 51s
Type : FeatureServer
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Sungai line
Type : FeatureServer
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Sungai Manggarai Barat Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Sungai poly 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Sungai Poly
Type : FeatureServer
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Sungai Sepaku 07022024
Type : SceneServer
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Sungai Sepaku 16022023
Type : SceneServer
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Sungai Sepaku 27122023
Type : SceneServer
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sungai sepaku slpk
Type : SceneServer
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Sungai Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : VectorTileServer
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surface colored
Type : MapServer
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Survei PKE Tahap 1 6
Type : FeatureServer
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Sutet 6 Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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SUTET Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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T20240306 Titik Kontrol IKN
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Talang Air Yogya Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Tanggul Laut Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Tangible Heritage Wakatobi
Type : FeatureServer
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Tapak Menteri1602
Type : SceneServer
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TE Klaten
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Jogja
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Kaliurang
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Kemiren
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Keningar
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Krinjing
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Mangunsoko
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Ngablak
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Ngargomulyo
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Ngargosoko
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TEA Paten
Type : FeatureServer
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TEA Sengi
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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teluk naga batu ceper
Type : FeatureServer
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temp bds timesri
Type : MapServer
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Tempat Evakuasi Akhir
Type : FeatureServer
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Tempat Evakuasi akhir KSNMerapi
Type : FeatureServer
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Tempat Evakuasi Akhir
Type : FeatureServer
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Tempat Evakuasi Akhur (3)
Type : FeatureServer
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Tempat Evakuasi Sementara 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Tempat Evakuasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Terestris Area Pusat Sub Pusat KTA
Type : FeatureServer
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Terestris Area Zonasi Geopark
Type : FeatureServer
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Terestris Area Zonasi Kawasan
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Terumbu karang OSM
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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TES Jogja
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : SceneServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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test map WTL1
Type : MapServer
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Test publish raster tile UAT
Type : MapServer
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test publish UAT
Type : FeatureServer
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TI Fasilitas
Type : FeatureServer
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TI Fasilitas
Type : MapServer
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Tingkat Bahaya Gempa
Type : FeatureServer
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Tingkat Risiko Sedang 24042020
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Bengkulu Taba Penanjung
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cikampek Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cikampek Purwakarta Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cileunyi Sumedang Dawuan
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cimanggis Cibitung Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cinere Jagorawi Seksi 1 dan 2
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Japek II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Kayu Agung Palembang Betung
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Kertosono Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Krian Bunder
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Krian Legundi Bunder Manyar
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Medan Kualanamu Tebing Tinggi
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Palimanan Plumbon Kanci
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Paspro
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Pekanbaru Bangkinang Pangkalan
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Pekanbaru Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Seluruh Ruas Jalan Tol
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Semarang A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Serang Panimbang Seksi 1 2 3
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Serang Panimbang Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Sigli Banda Aceh Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Sigli Banda Aceh Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Simpang Indralaya Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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TIP Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir 6 Ruas Tol DKI
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Akses Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Bunder Manyar
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cikampek Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Ciranjang Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cisumdawu Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Cisumdawu Seksi 6
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Depok Antasari Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Depok Antasari Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Gedebege Cilacap
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Gilimanuk Mengwi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir HBR II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Japek II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir JORR Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir JORR Non S
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Kamal Teluk Naga Rajeg
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Kertososno Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir KLBM
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Krian Bunder
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Lubuk Linggau Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Makassar New Port
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Manado Bitung Seksi 2B
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Manado Bitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Medan Binjai
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Padang Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Padang Sicincin
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Paspro Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Paspro
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Pejagan Pemalang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Pekanbaru Kandis Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Prof
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Relokasi Porong Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Rengat Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Salebanda Caringin
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Seamanan Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Semarang Demak Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Semarang Demak Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir SS Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Sukabumi Ciranjang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Teluk Naga Batu Ceper
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Akhir Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal 6 Ruas Tol DKI
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal 6 Tol Dalam JKT lainnya
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal 6 Tol Dalam JKT Seksi A
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Akses Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Akses Tanjung Priok
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Bekasi Cawang Kp Melayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Bengkulu Taba Penanjung
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Binjai Langsa
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Bunder Manyar
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cawang Tomang Pluit
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cengkareng Kunciran
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 1
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Ciawi Sukabumi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cibitung Cilincing
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cikampek Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cikopo Palimanan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cimanggis Cibitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cinere Jagorawi Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Ciranjang Padalarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cisumdawu Seksi 1 dan 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cisumdawu Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Cisumdawu Seksi 6
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Titik Awal Depok Antasari Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Depok Antasari Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Depok Antasari Seksi 4
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Gedebege Cilacap
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Gempol Pasuruan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Gilimanuk Mengwi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal HBR II Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Indralaya Prabumulih
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Indrapura Kisaran
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Jakarta Bogor Ciawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Jakarta Cikampek
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Jakarta Tangerang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Japek II Elevated
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Titik Awal Japek II Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal JORR Elevated
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal JORR Non S
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal JORR W2S
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Kamal Teluk Naga Rajeg
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Kertosono Kediri
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Kertosono Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal KLBM
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Titik Awal Krian Bunder
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Titik Awal Kunciran Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Lubuk Linggau Bengkulu
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Makassar New Port
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Manado Bitung Seksi 2B
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Titik Awal Manado Bitung
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Titik Awal Medan Binjai
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Titik Awal Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Padang Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Padang Sicincin
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Palimanan Plumbon Kanci
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Paspro Seksi 4
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Titik Awal Paspro
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Titik Awal Pejagan Pemalang
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Titik Awal Pekanbaru Kandis Dumai
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Pettarani
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Pondok Aren Serpong
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Prambulih Muara Enim
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Probolinggo Banyuwangi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Prof
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Titik Awal Relokasi Porong Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Rengat Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Salebanda Caringin
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Seamanan Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Semarang Demak Seksi 1
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Titik Awal Semarang Demak Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Semarang Demak
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Semarang Solo
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Sigli Banda Aceh
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Soreang Pasirkoja
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal SS Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal SS Romokalisari
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal SS Waru Bandara Juanda
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Sukabumi Ciranjang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Surabaya Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Tangerang Merak
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Titik Awal Tebing Tinggi Indrapura
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Titik Awal Teluk Naga Batu Ceper
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Titik Awal Ujung Pandang Seksi 123
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Titik Awal Ulujami Pondok Aren
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Awal Yogyakarta Bawen
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Drainase Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Evakuasi Merapi Magelang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Gedung
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Genangan Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan AP Pettrani
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Batang Semarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Becakayu
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Cisumdawu
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Depok Antasari
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Kanci Pejagan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Pemalang Batang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Seroja
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Surabaya Gresik
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kecelakaan Ujung Pandang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kerusakan Sekolah
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Km Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Km Makassar Seksi IV
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Km Padalarang Cileunyi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Kumpul
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Lokasi Kegiatan 2020
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Balikpapan Samarinda
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Bogor Ring Road
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Cinere Jagorawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Gempol Pandaan
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Ngawi Kertosono
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Palembang Indralaya
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Semarang Seksi A B C
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Seroja
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Solo Ngawi
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Surabaya Mojokerto
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Longsor Tangerang Merak
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Pengungsian
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Sabo Dam Semeru
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Selam Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Titik Telekomunikasi
Type : FeatureServer
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toba mei 23
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Tol3B 03102023
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Tol3B 06092023 WGS84
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Tol3B 08022024
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Tol3B 08122023
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Tol3B 29112023
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Type : SceneServer
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Tol5A 06092023 WGS84
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Tol5A 23022023
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Tol 3A 24 Maret 2023
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Tol 3A 2 06052024
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Tol 3A STA 14000 15350 06092023
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Tol 3A STA 15350 15550 06092023
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Tol 3A STA 15550 15900 06092023
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Tol 3A STA 15900 17000 06092023
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Tol 3A STA 17400 18800 06092023
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Tol 3A STA 19200 19800 06092023
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Tol 3A STA 19900 20800 06092023
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Tol 3A STA 20800 21750 06092023
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Tol 3A status 31 Mei 2023
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Tol 3A
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Tol 3B 03042024
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Tol 3B 04032024
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Tol 3B 06052024
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Tol 3B 08112023
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Tol 3B 11102023
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Tol 3B 16012024
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Tol 3B 27122023
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Tol 3B 2 28042024
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Tol 3B status 12 Juli 2023
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Tol 3B status 25 Juli 2023
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Tol 3B status 29 Mei 2023 2
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Tol 3B status 8 Agustus 2023
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Tol 5A 01112023
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Tol 5A 02012024
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Tol 5A 03102023
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Tol 5A 04032024
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Tol 5A 05022024
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Tol 5A 13122023
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Tol 5A 18042024
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Tol 5A 22012024
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Tol 5A status 11 Juli 2023
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Tol 5A status 24 Juli 2023
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Tol 5A status 26 Mei 2023
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Tol 5A status 9 Agustus 2023
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Tol 5B 03032024
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Tol 6A 01052024
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Tol 6A 03012024
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Tol 6A 06032024
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Tol 6A 13122023
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Tol 6A 25112023
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Tol 6A 27102023
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Tol 6A STA 0 SD 6282 04102023
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Tol 6B STA 5300 02012024
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Tol 6C 03022024
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Tol IKN 5A
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Tol kekeringan Jumlah
Type : FeatureServer
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Tol Konstruksi 01042021
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Tol Konstruksi 25092020
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Tol Konstruksi Per Ruas
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Tol Operasi 01042021
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Tol Operasi 25092020
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Tol Operasi Kekeringan
Type : FeatureServer
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Tol Operasi Per Ruas
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Tol Operasi
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Tol Operasional Desember
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Tol Operasional
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toponim OSM PT akomodasi 20211229
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toponim Transportasi
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TPA Provinsi Bali
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TPA Provinsi Bangka Belitung
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TPA Provinsi Banten
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TPA Provinsi Bengkulu
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TPA Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
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TPA Provinsi Gorontalo
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TPA Provinsi Jambi
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TPA Provinsi Jawa Barat
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TPA Provinsi Jawa Tengah
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TPA Provinsi Jawa Timur
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TPA Provinsi Kalimantan Barat
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TPA Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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TPA Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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TPA Provinsi Kalimantan Timur
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TPA Provinsi Kalimantan Utara
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TPA Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
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TPA Provinsi Lampung
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TPA Provinsi Maluku Utara
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TPA Provinsi Maluku
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TPA Provinsi NTB
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TPA Provinsi NTT
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TPA Provinsi Papua Barat
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TPA Provinsi Papua
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TPA Provinsi Riau
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TPA Provinsi Sulawesi Barat
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TPA Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Type : FeatureServer
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TPA Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Type : FeatureServer
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TPA Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Type : FeatureServer
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TPA Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Type : FeatureServer
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TPA Provinsi Sumatera Barat
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TPA Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
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TPA Provinsi Sumatera Utara
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TPA Reguler Juli
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TPA Reguler Kekeringan
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TPA Reguler Union
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TPA Reguler
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TPA Strategis Juli
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TPA Strategis Kekeringan1
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TPA Strategis Kekeringan
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TPA Strategis
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Type : FeatureServer
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TPST 01052024
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TPST 02012024
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TPST 06032024
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TPST 07022024
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TPST 12122023
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TPST 17042024
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TPST 24012024
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Type : FeatureServer
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Trayek Angkutan Kota Labuan Bajo
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Trayek DAMRI Labuan Bajo
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Tsunami BangkaBelitung
Type : FeatureServer
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Tsunami Banten
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Tsunami Bengkulu
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Tsunami DIY
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Tsunami Gorontalo
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Tsunami Jakarta
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Tsunami Jambi
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Tsunami Jawa Tengah
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Tsunami JawaTimur
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Tsunami KalimantanBarat
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Tsunami KalimantanSelatan
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Tsunami KalimantanTengah
Type : FeatureServer
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Tsunami KalimantanUtara
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Tsunami KepulauanRiau
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Tsunami Lampung
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Tsunami Maluku
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Tsunami MalukuUtara
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Tsunami NTB
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Tsunami NTT
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Tsunami Pabar
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Tsunami Papua
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Tsunami Riau
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Tsunami Sulawesi Barat
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Tsunami Sulawesi Selatan
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Tsunami Sulteng
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Tsunami Sultra
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Tsunami Sulut
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Tsunami Sumbar
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Tsunami Sumsel
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Tsunami Sumut
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U Turn Japek II Elevated
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UAT bali features test
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UAT bali features test
Type : MapServer
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UB Sungai Ciujung
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UDD 11 Mei 2023
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ujung pandang
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Underpass Ciawi Sukabumi Seksi 2
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Underpass Cinere Jagorawi Combined
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Cinere Jagorawi Seksi 3
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Padang Pekanbaru
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Pandaan Malang
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Paspro Seksi 4
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Underpass Pasuruan Probolinggo
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Relokasi Porong Gempol
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Serang Panimbang Seksi 1
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Underpass Serang Panimbang Seksi 2
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Serang Panimbang
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Serpong Balaraja
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Serpong Cinere
Type : FeatureServer
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Underpass Solo Ngawi
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Underpass SS Kertajati
Type : FeatureServer
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UPB 20032024
Type : SceneServer
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Utilitas Area Operator Seluler 4G
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Area Pelayanan Air Limbah
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Calon Lokasi TPA KTA PT
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Air Bersih KTA
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Air Bersih PDAM KTA
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Drainase KTA
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Hub Laut
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Utilitas Line Hub Udara
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Jalan KTA
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Utilitas Line Jalan Nasional Jawa
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Utilitas Line Jalan Umum
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Jalur Kereta Api
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Jalur Limbah 2025
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Utilitas Line Jalur Limbah 2035
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Utilitas Line Jalur Limbah 2045
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Utilitas Line Jaringan Blank Spot
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Utilitas Line Jaringan Operator 3G
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Pipa Air Bersih
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Rel KA Jawa
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line Rencana Jalan
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Line RISPAM
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Akomodasi Hotel
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Bandara Jawa
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Bandara
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Utilitas Point Bendung Yogyakarta
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Utilitas Point Bendung
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Energi Gardu Induk
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Food Beverage
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point GIC TIC
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point IPAL Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point IPAL
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point IPLT Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Jaringan Energi
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Listrik
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Lokasi Investasi
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Pelabuhan
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Pump House 2025
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Pump House 2035
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Pump House 2045
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Rencana Air Bersih
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Rencana Air Limbah
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Rencana Bandara
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Rencana Drainase
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Rencana Pelabuhan
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Rencana TPA
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Reservoir
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Rusunawa Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Sabo DAM Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point SPAM Yogyakarta
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Sumur Bor
Type : FeatureServer
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Utilitas Point Transportasi KTA
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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V P Aset3 2
Type : FeatureServer
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V P Aset 3
Type : FeatureServer
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V P Aset 6
Type : FeatureServer
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vehicle IKN v6 20230218
Type : FeatureServer
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wakatobi mei 23
Type : FeatureServer
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Waktu Kedatangan
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : MapServer
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westin 2a
Type : FeatureServer
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westin 2a
Type : MapServer
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wilayah adat papua
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah Adat Point
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah Adat Polilyne
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah adat poly
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah Adat Polygon
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah Administrasi Kecamatan
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah Administrasi KTA BTS
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah Administrasi KTA BYP
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah Pelayanan IPLT Komodo
Type : FeatureServer
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Wilayah Sungai2020
Type : FeatureServer
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Wisata Perbukitan Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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WM Banjarbakula
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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WPS dan Kawasan Inkubasi WPS
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Zona 1 03102023
Type : SceneServer
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Zona 4 27092023
Type : SceneServer
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Zona Bahaya Cugenang
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Hotel Resort Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Kawasan Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Pemerintahan Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Perdagangan Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Terbatas
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Terlarang
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Transportasi Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Wisata Bukit Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Zona Wisata Pantai Labuan Bajo
Type : FeatureServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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IGT RumahKhusus 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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IGT RumahKhusus 2019
Type : MapServer
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IPAL 2019
Type : MapServer
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IPLT 2019
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : MapServer
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PSU 2019
Type : FeatureServer
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PSU 2019
Type : MapServer
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Type : FeatureServer
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Type : MapServer
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SPAM 2019
Type : MapServer
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TPA 2019
Type : MapServer
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vehicle IKN v7 20230226
Type : FeatureServer
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vehicle IKN v7 20230226
Type : MapServer
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vehicle IKN v9 20230227
Type : FeatureServer
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vehicle IKN v9 20230227
Type : MapServer
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Konreg TA 2022
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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KSPN Borobudur
Type : MapServer
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Kawasan Rakorbangwil
Type : FeatureServer
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Kawasan Rakorbangwil
Type : MapServer
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Map RPIW Gorontalo MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Map RPIW Sulawesi Barat MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Map RPIW Sulawesi Utara MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Peta Administrasi MIL1
Type : MapServer
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Peta Administrasi MIL2
Type : MapServer
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RPIW Kalimantan Timur
Type : MapServer
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ast bangunanhidrolik fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bendung fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bendung fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast bm efektivitas drainase
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm efektivitas drainase
Type : MapServer
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ast bm jalan kondisi
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm jalan kondisi
Type : MapServer
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ast bm jalan nasional iri v2
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm jalan nasional iri v2
Type : MapServer
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ast bm jalan nasional iri
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm jalan nasional iri
Type : MapServer
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ast bm jalan perbatasan kalimantan
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm jembatan gantung v2
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm jembatan gantung v2
Type : MapServer
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ast bm jembatan khusus v2
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm jembatan khusus v2
Type : MapServer
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ast bm jembatan nasional
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm jembatan nasional
Type : MapServer
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ast bm lereng
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bm lereng
Type : MapServer
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ast bmkg event
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bmkg event
Type : MapServer
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ast bpb fulltable v2
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpb fulltable v2
Type : MapServer
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ast bpb fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpb fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt gerbangtol v3
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt gerbangtol v3
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt kecelakaan
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt kecelakaan
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt longsor
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt longsor
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt perbaikan
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt perbaikan
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt restarea
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt restarea
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt tanahlunak
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt tanahlunak
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt tol jembatan
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt tol jembatan
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt tol konstruksi v2
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt tol konstruksi v2
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt tol operasi v3
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt tol operasi v3
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt tol overpass
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt tol overpass
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt tol simpangsusun
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt tol simpangsusun
Type : MapServer
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ast bpjt tol underpass
Type : FeatureServer
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ast bpjt tol underpass
Type : MapServer
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ast ck olahraga
Type : FeatureServer
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ast ck olahraga
Type : MapServer
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ast ck pasar
Type : FeatureServer
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ast ck pasar
Type : MapServer
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ast ck ptkin
Type : FeatureServer
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ast ck ptkin
Type : MapServer
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ast ck ptn
Type : FeatureServer
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ast ck ptn
Type : MapServer
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ast ck sekolah
Type : FeatureServer
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ast ck sekolah
Type : MapServer
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ast danau fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast danau fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast drainase fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast drainase fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast intake fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast intake fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast ipal fulltable v2
Type : FeatureServer
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ast ipal fulltable v2
Type : MapServer
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ast irigasi fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast irigasi fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast kawasankhusus fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast kawasankhusus fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast kotapusaka fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast kotapusaka fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast kumuhperdesaan fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast kumuhperdesaan fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast kumuhperkotaan fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast kumuhperkotaan fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast mataair fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast mataair fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast pah absah fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast pah absah fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast pbl fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast pbl fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast pengendali sedimen
Type : FeatureServer
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ast pengendali sedimen
Type : MapServer
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ast pkp fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast pkp fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast plbn fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast plbn fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast pompabanjir fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast pompabanjir fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast poscurahhujan fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast poscurahhujan fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast posdugaair fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast posdugaair fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast posklimatologi fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast posklimatologi fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast poskobanjir fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast poskobanjir fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast pospemantauan fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast pospemantauan fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast rth fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast rth fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast rumahkhusus fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast rumahkhusus fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast rumahswadaya fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast rumahswadaya fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast saranaibadah fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast saranaibadah fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast setjen tanah
Type : FeatureServer
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ast setjen tanah
Type : MapServer
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ast sihka curahhujan
Type : FeatureServer
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ast sihka curahhujan
Type : MapServer
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ast sihka dugaair
Type : FeatureServer
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ast sihka dugaair
Type : MapServer
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ast sihka klimatologi
Type : FeatureServer
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ast sihka klimatologi
Type : MapServer
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ast siman tanah
Type : FeatureServer
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ast siman tanah
Type : MapServer
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ast sipongi hotspot
Type : FeatureServer
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ast sipongi hotspot
Type : MapServer
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ast spa fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast spa fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast stasiun kualitasair fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast tps3r fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast tps3r fulltable
Type : MapServer
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ast tpst fulltable
Type : FeatureServer
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ast tpst fulltable
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 airtanah sumurbor
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 airtanah sumurbor
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 embung
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 embung
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 ipal
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 ipal
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 jalan daerah
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 jalan daerah
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 ketersediaan air
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 ketersediaan air
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 neraca air
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 neraca air
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 pengaman pantai
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 pengaman pantai
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 pengendali banjir
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 pengendali banjir
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 psu
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 psu
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 rusunawa
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 rusunawa
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 sabodam
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 sabodam
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 situ
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 situ
Type : MapServer
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igt 2021 tpa
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2021 tpa
Type : MapServer
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igt 2022 bendungan konstruksi
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2022 bendungan operasional
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2022 bendungan rencana
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2022 bendungan rencana
Type : MapServer
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igt 2022 spam
Type : FeatureServer
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igt 2022 spam
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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tes sipro
Type : FeatureServer
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tes sipro
Type : MapServer
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CO Gerbangkertosusila
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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CO Kedungsepur
Type : MapServer
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Gerbangkertosusila 2003
Type : MapServer
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Gerbangkertosusila 2018
Type : MapServer
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Jabodetabek 2003
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Kedungsepur 2003
Type : MapServer
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Kedungsepur 2018
Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type : MapServer
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Type :